Limited Atonement (Particular Redemption)

Jesus died and rose for those whom the Father predestined. If God were to die for all, then all would be saved. The atonement is sufficient for all, but not efficacious for all. The atonement is accomplished and eternally secured for the elect through the cross of Christ. Christ did not die a hypothetical death for every single human being, but rather a real death for his people, his sheep whom he actually and really saves. Therefore, the atonement is not limited in power, but in extent. In other words, the words “limited” or “particular” do not speak to the power of the cross or devalue the efficacy of Christ’s atoning work because, the blood of Christ actually saves those whom Christ actually intended to save. Again, this doctrine addresses primarily the extent of the atonement, not its power (e.g. for whom did Christ die or for whose sins did Christ atone?).

Scripture references: Matt. 1:21, 26:28, 20:28; Jn. 6:35-40, 17:9; Rom. 5:8; Heb. 9:12-15, 10:14; Eph. 1:3-12, 1 Pet. 2:24; Gal. 3:13; 1 Jn. 1:7

Irresistible Grace

Perseverance of the Saints